Friday, December 11, 2009

Tmj More Condition_symptoms Can Somebody Help Me? I Have TMJ And Was Wondering If Someone Could Give Me More Info On How To Deal With It!?

Can somebody help me? I have TMJ and was wondering if someone could give me more info on how to deal with it!? - tmj more condition_symptoms

I have a mouthguard and does not seem to help. My doctor prescribed me some anti-inflammatory tablets help some, but not leave! I wonder what kind of things I can do to improve my life. All the exercises or other advice would be helpful.

Thank you!


sokokl said...

If I have problems with the temporomandibular joint syndrome had, gave me a mask and anti-inflammatory drugs to try in order to help control pain. Some I know that he needed this wrong sometimes surgery.

I do not know any exercises to support the MTA, but if your doctor tells you that you will be able to apply heat to the environment to see if it can help a little. Also, tell your doctor that you have problems receiving a discount of mouthguards. It is possible that an adjustment should be made.

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